![]() Well here I am & it's nearly 2:30 PM and I am just now writing my post - not because I didn't know what my Scripture choice was going to be, but because I was spending time with my hubby celebrating 27 years of marriage!!! How cool is that? Anyway, on to the business at hand. I don't have a lot of advice to offer up at this time except this one thing. "It Is Worth It." Whether it's one, 10 or all 24 - God's Word is transforming, but the truth of the matter is - you can have a million people in your life saying it - but until YOU actually [personally] experience it - it will only be superficial advice. How do I know? Because I lived it. You see I believe that there is really only one major difference in legalism (you have to memorize Scripture) vs relationship (I WANT to) and it's our heart. In August of 2010 - my heart got tired of a yo-yo faith, of walking away & sin getting exponentially worse each time and so I chose to move forward & ask God to transform me (from the inside out) & as I sought HIM in Scripture, He began to do just that. He continues to do just that. Scripture is no longer just words to memorize it is food, it is fuel, it is rebuilding, it is to be quite blunt - surgery of the soul. Truth can be difficult even contrary to what we want to believe - but it is still TRUTH. It's why I am going to take the next 3 if not 4 Scripture selections and memorize Psalm 139:13-16 - I don't want to memorize it all at once because first, I'm not crazy (LOL) but in all seriousness - I need it to not just let it be words on a page - I need it to be light to my mind, my body & my soul. I wonder just how many of you might need to memorize the same exact Scripture? For different reason, this says so very much about just exactly how much we are known & loved by God. We think we know these verses - but the reality is - I think not so much. I know that at this juncture in life I feel so drawn to them & because of that - I want to KNOW them. And so here it is.... 4/15/18 - Psalm 139:13-14a "For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my Mother's womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;.." Cheryl M, Peoria, AZ Before I close out, I didn't have a lot of Scripture screenshots from Biblegateway App to share but, I've attached the 3 that I had. I want each of you to know that I pray for every single one of you BY NAME every single day. Love you <3 ~C
![]() Has it ever crossed your mind that you are on a fools errand trying desperately to memorize Scripture? I think it is fitting that this Easter falls on what we call "April Fools Day". Truth of the matter is (and I am sure you know by now) that memorizing THIS MANY Scriptures is daunting & we are only getting ready to start #7. You may even be beating yourself up, calling yourself a fool, because "heaven knows you don't even have the firs six down" & "I might as well stop now" or even "it useless, I haven't been able to do it before, why in the world did I think this time would be different". What I say to that is this, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!! Have you forgotten that CHRIST is [in] YOU! He won't let you down. With the Holy Spirit's help you will know & remember what you need to remember WHEN you need to KNOW it. I keep saying this & I'm not going to stop. Give yourself GRACE!!! Satan would like nothing more than to convince you [in your mind] that you're a fool. Remind yourself that he is the father of LIES. None of it is wasted. In fact, when this is over your expectations will be exceeded. I truly believe that! As I was reviewing Scripture that God has allowed me to share with you (see file below), I began to pray, asking God that He would show me which ONE was mine today. I kept coming back to Jeremiah 17:7, a great reminder of how if, my expectations are in the Lord, that He will ALWAYS exceed them. So here is my Scripture for 4/1/18 Jeremiah 17:7 AMP "Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trust in and relies on the LORD and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord." Cheryl M, Peoria, AZ ((Love & Hugs)) ~C |
AuthorLife IS ministry. I choose to live [in] Christ. Jesus Freak. Hugger. Daughter. Wife. Mom. Friend. Disciple Maker. Talent Sharer. Girl Boss. Challenger. Archives
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