![]() If you haven't figured it out - weekend posting is a challenge for me, especially if it's Sunday AND my hubby is off work. So I sincerely hope that you will forgive the delay. A couple of things for those of you still in this: First, it's getting harder! I'm sure that is not news to you. Second, I know that I've talked about this before but, I am going to encourage you AGAIN to create some fill in the blank worksheets. It's a little time consuming: I utilize BibleGateway.org to copy and paste my Scripture into a Word document & then I remove words and replace them with a line. It just so happens that one full quarter fits on a page using a 14 pt letter. Save the document & print off copies. My picture above is the first 2 quarters & I missed a total of 10 words. I did really poor on my last one from 7/1/18 - but I didn't count that one YET... I'm giving myself some grace. Anyway, I hope some of you will attempt to do this. You might be surprised at just how much you actually DO remember. I want to share that God has been doing some pretty amazing things in my life and I wish that I had tons of time to share them - but, for your sake I will attempt to keep it brief. Several years ago I read the book The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson, It is a book I highly recommend. Anyway, in the process of reading the book, I began to circle a purpose/passion that I felt God was calling me to (writing, teaching & speaking to women to grow them in their faith) - I began circling that prayer July 7, 2016, [as of today, I have prayed that prayer 235 times] I prayed that prayer until October of 2016 and based on my perceptions of an event at that time - every time I came to that prayer (utilizing the PrayerMate app) I couldn't pray it - I just kept telling God - I can't. March 1st, the Scripture God gave me was "For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time. It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail. Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3 . I realize that some of you are going to think I'm super crazy for the next part - I don't care. I thought, that the Scripture was about a dream/vision that God had given me on 2/13/18 - [At 2:30 in the morning that day, I spent 2 1/2 hours writing down everything He had shown me. It was so incredibly detailed that it was insane]. So, imagine my surprise, that while I was away in Missouri with my Mom & Papa (doing a study called I Have To by Christy Fay) that not only did God soften my heart towards that prayer I had been circling, but He invigorated a fire for picking back up the writing I had done back in 2016 for the women's retreat workshop weekend [Craving Fear] & He began nudging me to rewrite it as a 5 week Bible Study. Then, at the same time, I asked God for confirmation that THIS was REALLY what He was doing - and within 24 hours I had 3 confirmations from people (Kristina, Jean & Sandra) who had ZERO idea that this was even a possibility. I sit here today, with the final edit nearly ready and a group of women who WANT to beta test the study in August. Not only that, but as I was doing a cleaning on my office, I found another writing that I had done in 2011 (forgot all about it) Called WARNING! Enemy In Our Midst. It was handwritten, so I quickly transcribed it , bound it and did a massive edit while on a 4 1/2 hr plane ride to North Carolina - I spent last week re-editing and now 2 friends (Sara & Amy) are critiquing it. I have NO idea what God is going to do with that one. And lastly, 2 years ago, while I was at CIY with my church youth ministry, I had been asked to quickly write and teach a class called The 10 Characteristics of a Godly Woman while I was there & I think He is going to have me pick that one up and do something with it. Right now, my Father is using me to speak/teach His Word and there are times that I feel unworthy and wonder if what I write will be used, and then the Holy Spirit reminds me that it is HIM working in and through me - every Scripture He has given me this year has built me up, prepared me and encouraged me and because of that, I KNOW and TRUST His purpose and fulfillment. I guess what I am trying to say is that God is working! Every single Scripture He has given you has PURPOSE - sometimes it might be awhile before you fully understand - but just KNOW that He is. Enough said, let's get on to my selection and posting, it is so relevant to what I wrote above - not just for me - but for YOU. Isaiah 55:11 AMP "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." Cheryl M, Peoria, AZ 7/15/18
I can hardly believe it! We are 1/2 way there. I've been struggling a bit dialing in on the last couple of Scriptures which means I really need to shake things up & try some new habits for memorizing. I think I am going to print off a sheet & put it by my bed at night and run through them that way & it's also time to go back & make some fill in the blank forms again too.
So, this time, it was more than clear where God was directing me & in a ton of different ways... super cool when that happens. Although it's a section of Scripture I'm diving into for study, there is one specific one that just keeps pulling me back. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 AMP "Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you [to Himself for your salvation], and He will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you, and protecting you as His own.]" Right now, in this time of my life, I need this promise to stand on. He has called me to quite a few challenging things lately - they equally terrify me & excite me - so, that's a good thing! I hope that you've gotten the card that I sent each of you... if you haven't, be watching your mailbox! Love you guys tons! Cheryl |
AuthorLife IS ministry. I choose to live [in] Christ. Jesus Freak. Hugger. Daughter. Wife. Mom. Friend. Disciple Maker. Talent Sharer. Girl Boss. Challenger. Archives
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