The other day in my God Time, He sent me here. And WOW was this powerful for me. So the first few verses set the stage & the last verse IS my why.
1 Timothy 4:13-15 , "Until I come, devote yourself to public reading [of Scripture], to preaching and to teaching [the sound doctrine of God’s word]. This entire season of teaching this semester has been powerful. I read a LOT of Scripture to the women in the study. Reading it out loud & then hearing it... God's Word is powerful. It means something. It brings transformation. 14 Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, [that special endowment] which was intentionally bestowed on you [by the Holy Spirit] through prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands on you [at your ordination]. I realize that this was written to Timothy, but I also know why God directed me here - not many people know that when I was a teenager, I was prayed over & had a word spoken over me. Sadly, since they didn't explain that God would equip me & that it would be in His perfect timing - it scared me. I didn't think that there was anyway that I would ever be used by God, so I ran. I know that's a lie now, but boy did I run for years. Still, God's perfect timing. 15 Practice and work hard on these things; be absorbed in them [completely occupied in your ministry], so that your progress will be evident to all. And right now in this season, I have never experienced what I am right now & it's amazing. I am absorbed & completely occupied with where & what God is doing and He is growing me and challenging me like never before. I wouldn't trade it for anything. But, it's this next verse that rocked my world, it is LITERALLY my why: to ensure salvation both for myself and for those who hear me. There is nothing more important than a persons salvation. Life and death, heaven and hell, it doesn't get more serious than that. 1 TIMOTHY 4:16| "Pay close attention to yourself [concentrate on your personal development] and to your teaching; persevere in these things [hold to them], for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you." I look forward to hearing for others. ((HUGS)) ~ Cheryl
1 Comment
Marie Pepper
5/18/2019 01:39:34 pm
Psalm 86:11
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AuthorLife IS ministry. I choose to live [in] Christ. Jesus Freak. Hugger. Daughter. Wife. Mom. Friend. Disciple Maker. Talent Sharer. Girl Boss. Challenger. Archives
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