You know I’ve been thinking about this on a deeper level. Truth is, It could happen to any of us, right? The problem is that there is only one Truth. So not every single person can be right and I don’t know about you, but that makes me tremble with the fear of the Lord.
I read a book a few years back by Anne Graham Lots called “Storming the Gates of Heaven” and in her time with God she came to this place where she was called to evaluate her life and looked at the following areas seeing if she needed repentance: Ingratitude, neglect of Bible reading, unbelief, neglect of prayer, lack of concern for the souls of others, neglect of family, love of the world and material things, pride, envy, a critical spirit vs discernment, slander, lack of seriousness towards God, lying, cheating, hypocrisy, temper, arrogance. I don’t think this is a one and done thing. I can tell you from personal experience that it means surrendering yourself, it means listening to the Holy Spirit and it means not putting walls up when God says “you’re wrong” in a particular area. There is nothing about this walk that is not meant to be intentional. Before I stopped running from God I had a very yo-yo Faith but I could never explain why I was suddenly just no longer there but, what I’ve learned is that if we are not on constant alert it is the little compromises that begin the slow fade away. I think that’s why we’ve been called to be sober minded & alert. The enemy is slick. He is merciless. But most importantly he never deviates from his mission to steal, to kill and to destroy. If you are interested in taking a self evaluation go to my website and there is a PDF file attached under the “Studies” tab, it is the last thing listed.
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AuthorLife IS ministry. I choose to live [in] Christ. Jesus Freak. Hugger. Daughter. Wife. Mom. Friend. Disciple Maker. Talent Sharer. Girl Boss. Challenger. Archives
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